When modernism and retro with minimalist concept join together then you will get this modern and colorful cheerful apartment designed by Carla Basich. The apartment really is small but the use of space is very optimal. What can you do with 70 square meters apartment isn’t much, things needed to be practical and really progressive. The best theme to do that will be contemporary and modern with touch of retro will freshen up the whole interior design.
How to decorate small spaces and get the optimal result is challenging but the trick is build vertical and never build horizontal. From storage needed to go vertical, for other furniture make sure they have plenty of storage systems, this way it will give you not just functional but also practical and space saving.
Never used dark color in major, use white theme like this will give some light ample space look. Lighter color very much will help you very much in creating a more spacious look. Since space is at a premium state then you need to use square contemporary furniture and make sure you keep everything in order, neat and tidy. Why does everything need to be kept in order, neat and tidy? Well it’s because your space is very limited and being messy will certainly destroy the whole theme. If you need a help we gladly will be able to help you.
When Space at Premium This Small Apartment by Carla Basich Kept at Optimum (1)
When Space at Premium This Small Apartment by Carla Basich Kept at Optimum (2)
When Space at Premium This Small Apartment by Carla Basich Kept at Optimum (4)
When Space at Premium This Small Apartment by Carla Basich Kept at Optimum (5)
When Space at Premium This Small Apartment by Carla Basich Kept at Optimum (6)
When Space at Premium This Small Apartment by Carla Basich Kept at Optimum (7)
When Space at Premium This Small Apartment by Carla Basich Kept at Optimum (8)
When Space at Premium This Small Apartment by Carla Basich Kept at Optimum (9)
When Space at Premium This Small Apartment by Carla Basich Kept at Optimum (10)
When Space at Premium This Small Apartment by Carla Basich Kept at Optimum (11)